Every single one of us has a dream inside that we wish to follow. Some of us have attempted to start, others are already on the path, and those lucky few have managed to accomplish it. However, what binds us all together is that we've all been at square one, whether we're still standing there or at square number 749,673.
The thing is, sometimes there are real, concrete reasons why we can't get past square one, or two, or seven, or 234. Money is a popular one, and an extremely valid one. Family, school, or your day job are among the others that make it tough for us to reach our dreams.
With La Caravane Bohème for us and Birdcage Bohemia for Beatrice, we were able to make it past square one. We're at, probably, just the second square, but working hard to get to the third. We have the wonderful vintage items. We have a portal through which to bring our vintage finds to you. We just need you. The most obvious way you, a family member or friend or loved one or even just a stranger, can support us is through purchasing from us and spreading the word to other people who might like us.
Foolproof, right? You all know about us or else you wouldn't be here reading what we write so we've accomplished that. We just need to get the word out. Get more people to know about us, hear about us, and visit our shop, then spread the word. That's why network websites like Facebook and Twitter is so valuable. We can offer tidbits and information in real time. New listing? Our fans on Facebook knows. Blog update? Twitter world hears.
You can definitely help "pass the buck" by passing us along. Tell a friend about the cool things we have. Mention to your mom we have a coat practically the copy of the one she's had in her closet for ages. It sounds so simple, that it must not be worth the effort. If only everyone realized, simple, tiny things like that can do so much to help people succeed.
We're firm believers in helping others succeed. Goodwill is precious and it comes in circles.
In Cleveland, Ohio, a woman named Laura Williams opened up an online bakery named La Bella Cupcakes full of luscious yummy cupcakes. To her amazement, business soared. However, her customers kept asking, "Where's your location? Where can we stop in and get a cupcake?" She didn't have a storefront but is working for one. Bring in that one obstacle that's preventing her from reaching her dream: money. So she came up with a novel and extremely creative idea: Ask for sponsors. She told everyone that if someone donates money and becomes a sponsor, she will give them a free cupcake among other awards of recognition once she finally opens up her shop.
Goodwill and delicious cupcakes. Really? Karma could never taste so good. To learn more about Laura's endeavor, go to her Sponsor page on her website. Please, send the link to everyone who can help. Let's make a person's dream come true. I promise you. It'll come back to you tenfold.