Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Vintagers everywhere!

Fashion schools in NYC are home to possibly the widest range of style in the country (or at least that I, having grown up in Pittsburgh, have ever come into contact with.) I see everything here from your basic Paris Hilton fashionistas, to hardcore goths and punk rockers, and everything in between. However, it's hard to really appreciate it as a student at said fashion schools, since you're so busy most of the time that you don't really get a chance to take it all in.

On that note, let's all give Beatrice a big hand for keeping the store alive while I'm buried in the depths of muslin, pins, and endless homework... take a bow, B. ;)

Every so often though, a look stands out that just can't be ignored, no matter how busy you are. This happened to me the other day after, no joke, 11 hours draping away in my school's workroom. I noticed a girl in my class wearing this gorgeous seafoam green, cap sleeve, cashmere sweater with glittering jewels encrusting the neckline. I couldn't take my eyes off it. When I asked her where she got it, you know what she said? From a tiny thrift store near her home town in New Jersey.

Then, yesterday while I was at my day job as a salesperson in an eyeglass store, a customer came in with her grandmother's vintage frames and asked us to put new lenses in them so she could use them herself. (They were gorgeous, by the way, brown plastic large frames with a keyhole nose piece. Very cute and "geek chic"!)

I have to say, these girls made me a little proud. Not of myself and Beatrice for catching on to this vintage trend (although, that did cross my mind,) but of these vintagers giving once-forgotten items from half a century ago new life in 2010.

In a world full of Botox, facelifts, upgrades, and a new iPod every ten minutes, an appreciation for the classics, the antique, and the pre-loved is hard to come by. Although we vintagers may seem few and far between, we are out there, and we have to stick together!

Well, back to the drawing room. My dress form misses me.

Keep vintaging!


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